'Measurement | Class 2 | Basic measurement of length, weight & capacity | CBSE & ICSE'

14:29 Aug 23, 2023
'Measurement | Class 2 | Basic measurement of length, weight & capacity | CBSE & ICSE  Measurement is a Important topic in our daily life. Children should know the basics of  measurements for the understanding of difference between objects. I have tried to include various images to make the concept more clear and enjoyable for students.  Watch the video till end and be a pro in understanding the balance and measurements. All the best children !!!  I upload the videos in every 2 days, so stay connected and subscribe the channel for the updates of new videos.  To watch other videos of class 2 and all classes, please click on the link below: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Im6lfxfXCWWA1MH9dli3g?view_as=subscriber' 

Tags: length , measurement , Math , mathematics , concepts , class 2 , measurement for kids , measurement of length , measurement of length class 2 , maths for class 2 , measurement class 2 , measurement for class 2 , learning math , measurement of weight class 2 , measurement of capacity class 2 , maths for kids grade 2 , measurement for grade 2 , easy math , weight & capacity

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